More Information

These navigation and entry instructions may not be the only way to complete the desired task.  For more in-depth explanations, any related articles will follow the instructions as links.


While editing a quote or sale
  • Click on Add Product, or double click on an existing line item, to open the Edit Product Item window.
    • Clicking on the down-arrow next to Add Product brings up an option to Add as a Copy.  Be sure to first highlight the line item from which to copy.
  • If you are adding a line, the manufacturer/product/style will fill with the last one used, or the default, based on the selection in Application Settings.
    • Opening an existing line will show the product and style previously selected. 
  • Click on the first drop-down arrow to change the manufacturer, then the second to change the product.  
  • To select the style, use the third drop-down box. To have the options for that style appear, click in the options window.


  • Only options that match from one product/style to another will have their values saved.
  • To save numeric values (e.g. width/height) from one product/style to another, in the Common Section of Application Settings, under Order Entry, uncheck the box for "Reset numeric values to zero when using Add and Continue".

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Applies to

  • SalesPRO Software