
Using the SWCS 4.2 Export Utility, Microsoft Excel and the SWCS 4.2 Import Utility, update

information such as active status, shipping method, etc. for many customers at once.

More Information

The Solatech Window Covering Software allows you to edit only one customer at a time. If you need

to change many customers at the same time, for example changing the active status from active to

inactive or changing the shipping method for all customers in a specific zip code from FedEx to UPS,

you would have to do it one by one.

Now, using the new SWCS 4.2 Export Utility and SWCS 4.2 Import Utility you can update information

for many, or all, of your customers at the same time.

Note: To perform the steps in this article you will need to use Microsoft Excel to format the exported

data prior to importing.

This Tips and Tricks article can be found here:


  • Solatech Window Covering Software 4.2