
There may be times when it is necessary to make a correction to a payment in the SalesPRO system.  This may happen when a payment is entered incorrectly, or when a customer decides to cancel a sale on which a payment has been applied.  This article will provide best practices on how to handle these scenarios. 

Since SalesPRO currently exports the following items to the QuickBooks accounting system, it is imperative that these processes match and work together regardless if a specific user is using QuickBooks or not.


Order Data:

  • Customers
  • Invoices
  • Purchase Orders
  • Payments

Setup Data:

  • Vendors
  • Products
  • Additional Charges
  • Sales Tax Codes
  • Sales Tax Groups
  • Payment Methods
  • Terms
  • Employees
  • Accounts

Information regarding payments

  • When a payment is entered into SalesPRO, the amount of the payment is assigned to a specific customer and optionally allocated to a Sale or Order in the system.
  • You can receive a payment for a Customer without allocating that payment amount to a Sale or Order, if desired.
  • Regardless if the payment is allocated or not, a payment received from a Customer in SalesPRO is considered a Credit in QuickBooks and, at that time, needs to be assigned to a specific invoice in QuickBooks to apply the payment.
  • Since the QuickBooks system will not accept negative payments, a negative payment cannot be entered into the SalesPRO system to match the requirements of QuickBooks.  A SalesPRO payment can be deleted but it can’t be entered as a negative value.

So how do I handle a situation where the customer pays me more than required, or cancels a Sale after a payment is made?

  • If the payment was already exported to QuickBooks, then you would want to create and  issue a credit memo for the client in your Accounting system. In your SalesPRO system, you would delete the payment from the customer and add an internal or public comment to indicate that the payment was reversed and deleted. This comment would be your audit trail.
  • If the payment was not yet exported to QuickBooks, you should adjust theSale/Order by first deleting the payment from the customer. Then, add a public comment to indicate that the payment was reversed and deleted.  Lastly, provide the client with an invoice or other process report showing the total amount is still due,  with the comment that the payment was reversed.
  • After the steps above are completed, the Sale/Order should be closed, but not deleted so it’s available as a reference if needed in the future.

Applies To:

  • SalesPRO Software