Solatech Focus and DOS users have the ability to run reports from their system. The types of reports available will vary by user type. In this knowledge base article, we will describe how to run, view and export reports that can be opened in Excel.
Locating a report
- While logged into your account, click on Reports from the upper navigational bar
- Reports will be grouped by type of report.
- Site Administrators will see all available reports
- Account Administrators will see Account Specific Reports
- Sales Reps will see Reports dealing only with their sales
- If you hover to the right of any report name, you'll see a "?"
- Clicking on the "?" will provide you additional details on the report.
- Solatech stock reports have a black icon. Customized Reports will have a red icon.
Running a Report
Note: For this example, we will look at the report Sales by Rep Summary
- If logged in as a Site Administrator, you will need to select the account for which the report should be run, using the dropdown menu at the top of the page.
- If logged in as an Account Administrator, you will see sales for all of your reps automatically
- If logged in as a Sales Rep, you will only see your sales.
- Click on the name of the report to open it.
- The Filters bar contains a "?"
- Clicking on the "?" will give you additional information about the report and the associated filters.
- The Filters section allows you to select what data will be returned
- In the example below, the Order Type is set by default to Sales and Orders. This means that data in both of those states will be returned.
- To change that filter, hit the Select button and remove the checkmark to the left of the type to be omitted.
- Press OK
- Reports requiring a date range, will have a default of "Month to Date" selected.
- This may be changed by using the drop-down menu and selecting a new date range
Note: All sales reports will use the date, Sale Created.
- Order Status will have a default value of Any, meaning that all statuses will be returned on the report.
- Click the Select button to select only certain statuses that you wish to be included.
- When all selections have been made, click either Run to view a PDF preview of the report or Export, to download a .csv version of the report. Note - the .csv file can be opened in Excel. It will contain additional data fields not shown on the PDF.
- While the report is processing, you will see a notification "Running" on the screen
- Once the PDF preview is available, you can choose to either download or view in your PDF viewer
16. You may also download or view the report from the main Reports window. This will only be available for reports ran
within the last 24 hours.
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Applies To:
- Solatech Focus
- Solatech DOS