
When you use a product in Order Entry or any other part of the system that uses products, the

product refreshes every time, even though no changes have been made to it and you are able to use

the product after it refreshes.


This can happen when the product is sent via Simple Data Transfer and the senders computer

date/time is ahead of the recipient.

When Simple Data Transfer downloads and creates the files on the receipients system it retains the

date/time of the sender. If the senders time is ahead of the receipient then the file on the receipient

will also be ahead. When the system access the product file it will see that the XML file is older than

the product file so it will attempt to re-create it as it should. However, the new XML file will still have

an older date because the product file is a few hours ahead.


To resolve this problem the recipient can open the product in Product Designer and make a minor

change. This will cause the date/time on the product file to reset to the local time. Then when the

XMl file is created it will be in sync with the original product file.

Another solution is to wait until the local time is just past the date/time of the product file. Then

when the product is accessed the XML file will be newer than the product file which will prevent it

from getting re-created each time.


Solatech has confirmed this to be a problem with the software listed at the end of this article. As

more information becomes available this article will be updated.

Applies To:

  • Solatech Window Covering Software 4.2