
There may be times when you need to export some details about the customers you have in your

Solatech Window Covering Software so that you can use that information in another application. For

example if you want to get a list of e-mail addresses that can be used by a marketing e-mail


This article will walk you through the steps of exporting your customer information to a common

format that can be used by many other applications.

More Information

How to export customer information

  1. Run the Solatech Window Covering Software (SWCS) and log in.
  2. Open your customer list by clicking View, Customers. It does not matter what filter you select while viewing the customer list.
  3. From the Customers drop down menu, click Export.
  4. Click the Save As button and select the location and file where you want to save the exported customer data. For example, your My Documents folder.
  5. Select the filter that you want to use. By default the export process will export all customers. If you only want the active customers, change the filter to Active Customers Only.
  6. Click OK. The customer data will be exported to the file you selected.


  • Solatech Window Covering Software 4.2