
This article describes how you can easily track customer referrals in Solatech.  This process is broken down into three steps: Adding Referral Types,Selecting Referral Types and Running Referral reports.  


Adding Referral Types

  1. From within Solatech, go to View>Other>Referral Types
  2. Using the drop down menu, select New
  3. Enter the name of the referral type, i.e. Home Show
  4. Click OK to save your changes.
  5. You can add as many different referral types as desired to this list.

Selecting Referral Types

  1. When adding or editing a customer, navigate to the Additional Tab
  2. On the right hand side of the Edit Customer window, you'll see Referral
  3. Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate referral type
  4. Save and close

Running Referral Reports

  1. Select Reports>Reports Center
  2. Select Sales from the left hand Category column
  3. Scroll down in the right hand column until you see the heading Sales by Referral
  4. Run the desired report

Applies to:

  • SWCS 4.2