
When sending purchase order electronically they sometimes need to be reviewed before they can be sent. This happens when the software determines there are issues or possible issues that should be reviewed first.

More Information

When you select one or more purchase orders to send electronically the Send Purchase Orders dialog will appear. This dialog will list each of the selected purchase orders and for each will indicate an action to be performed before any can be sent. 

The action that must be performed will vary depending on what is on each purchase order. The actions and the steps to be taken are:

Must Review

  • This indicates that something on the one or more of the line items will cause potential issues with the vendor. 
  • The purchase order needs to be reviewed before it can be sent. 
  • Click the Review button and then review each entry on the left side of the Review dialog. Typical issues are when a line item does not have a width/height option. 
  • Since most products ordered do have dimensions the sending process treats this as a potential issue. 
  • If the PO is incorrect then cancel the sending process, fix the PO and try again.

  • If the PO is OK, for example the product being ordered does not have or need dimensions you can simple indicate that the PO has been reviewed by checking the I have reviewed this purchase order box on the lower left.

and then clicking the Approve button.

Should Review

  • This is similar to Must Review in that SalesPRO has found some odd information and we recommend that the PO is reviewed before it's sent. 
  • However, you do not need to review or 'approve' the PO before it can be sent.

OK to Send

  • This indicates that no issues were found and the PO can be sent without review.
  • Although we recommend that Purchase Orders are ALWAYS reviewed before sending.

Unable to Send

  • This indicates that there were one or more issues found and the PO cannot be sent - even if you review it. 
  • This would happen for example if you are sending to a vendor but have not setup an OOP Vendor ID or account number. The following will also prevent a PO from sending:
    • It has Springs Window Fashions or Enlightened Style products that are missing a Product Code.
    • It has Springs Window Fashions or Enlightened Style products that contain one more error messages.

It is strongly recommended that all purchase orders are reviewed for accuracy before they are sent.

Related Articles:
How to send Purchase Orders to vendors from SalesPRO

Applies to:

  • SalesPRO Software