Occasionally you may need to delete a customer payment that has been recorded in SalesPro. This Knowledge base article provides instructions for deleting payments applied to sales or orders.
Note: You may disable the ability to delete payments in employee security. It is recommended that only Solatech administrators be given the ability to delete payments from the software.
- Open the Sale/Order.
- Click on the Payments hyperlink (in the lower right hand corner Order Entry).
- This will close Order Entry temporarily. You will have the opportunity to reopen the Sale/Order at the end of the process.
- Highlight the payment to be removed.
- Click the Remove Button.
- Click Yes
- Select Yes, delete the payment on the next window. If you select "No" the payment will be removed from this Sale/Order, but will remain as a credit for the Customer.
- Hit Close
- You will get a message asking if you want to reopen the Sale/Order.
- You may select Yes if you have more work to do in that Sale/Order.
- It is not required to reopen the Sale/Order to save the change.