
This article will step you through the process of importing customer measurement from a CSV file.

What you will need

  • SalesPRO HF5182018

Creating the import file

1. Run Microsoft Excel.

2. On line 1 Add the column headings: Location, Room, Item, Mount, Width, Length, Remarks


3. Fill in the data that you want to import. Any ASCII character can be used in the import file with the exception of the | character. The location field can be unique for each row but does not have to be. Any information placed in the Remarks field will be added to the Remarks field of the line item created from the customer measurement. 

  • Location (REQUIRED)
  • Room (OPTIONAL)
  • Item (OPTIONAL)
  • Mount (OPTIONAL)
  • Width (OPTIONAL)
  • Length (OPTIONAL)
  • Remarks (OPTIONAL)


4. Now save the file as a Comma delimited file. Click on the file tab in Excel and click Save As. Choose a location you wish to save the file and change the Save as type to CSV (Comma delimiter) (*.csv) and click Save.


Add the customer measurements from the import

1. Open SalesPRO.

2. Click on the Customer button on the Home tab.



3. On the Customer tab select the customer to which you want to add the Measurements.

4. Click the Customer Measurements button.


4. In the Customer Measurements box select the ... button and then select the Import button.


5.  In the import box navigate to the CSV file you just created and click open.

6. Once the import is completed the data will be displayed in the Customer Measurements box and can be used to create quotes. 


Applies to

  • SalesPRO Software


Attached below is a sample/template Customer Measurements import file